In those circumstances where a student must take prescribed medication during the School day, the following guidelines are to be observed. Parents should, with their physician's advice, determine whether the medication schedule can be adjusted to avoid administering medication during school hours. The Medication Request and Authorization Form 5330 F1 must be filed with the School Nurse before the student will be allowed to begin taking any medication during school hours. This form is available in the High School Office and on the WUHS website. All medications to be administered during school hours must be registered with the School Nurse’s office. Medication that is brought to the office will be properly secured. Medication should be conveyed to school directly by the parent.
For each prescribed medication, the container shall have a pharmacist's label with the following information:
1. Student’s name 2. Practitioner's name 3. Date 4. Pharmacy name and telephone 5. Name of medication 6. Prescribed dosage and frequency 7. Special handling and storage directions
Medication cannot be sent to school in a student's lunch box, pocket, or other means on or about his/her person, except for emergency medications for allergies and/or reactions. Any unused medication unclaimed by the parent will be destroyed by the School Nurse when a prescription is no longer to be administered or at the end of a school year. A log for each prescribed medication shall be maintained which will note the personnel giving the medication, the date, and the time of day. This log will be maintained along with the physician's written request and the parent's written release.
Students, with appropriate written permission from the physician and parent, may possess and use a metered dose inhaler or dry powder inhaler to alleviate asthmatic symptoms. Inhalers and Epinephrine (Epi-pen) can be administered only in accordance with conditions confirmed by the School Nurse and updated annually
Staff and volunteers will not be permitted to dispense non-prescribed drug products to any student without written parental consent. The Medication Request and Authorization Form 5330 F1 must be filed with the School Nurse before the student will be allowed to begin taking any medication during school hours. For each non-prescription drug product, the container shall be the original manufacturer's package and the package must list in a legible format the ingredients and recommended therapeutic dose. The parents request to administer a non-prescription drug product shall contain the following information:
1. Student's name 2. Date 3. Name of medication 4. Dosage and frequency 5. Special handling and storage directions
Further, only those non-prescription drugs that are provided by the parent or guardian in the original manufacturers’ package which lists the ingredients and dosage in a legible format may be administered.
Parents may authorize the School Nurse to administer a non-prescribed drug product using the Medication Request and Authorization Form 5330 F1 which is available in the High School Office. A physician does not have to authorize such medication, but all of the other conditions described above under Use of Prescribed Medications will also apply to non-prescribed medications. The student may be authorized on the request form by his/her parent to self-administer the medication in the presence of a school staff member. No other exceptions will be made to these requirements.
If a student is found using or possessing a non-prescribed drug product without parent authorization, s/he will be brought to the High School Office and the parents will be contacted for authorization. The medication will be confiscated until written authorization is received. Any student who distributes a medication of any kind to another student or is found to possess a medication other than the one previously authorized is in violation of the school's Code of Conduct and may be disciplined in accordance with the drug-use provision of the Code.