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The Wilmot Union High School Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of the Protected Classes of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including transgender status, change of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity), pregnancy, creed, or religion, genetic information, handicap or disability, marital status, citizenship status, veteran status, military service (as defined in 111.32, Wis. Stats.), national origin, ancestry, arrest record, conviction record, use or non-use of lawful products off the District’s premises during non-working hours, declining to attend an employer-sponsored meeting or to participate in any communication with the employer about religious matters or political matters, or any other characteristic protected by law in its employment practices.(Policy 1422, 3122 & 4122, Policy 3123 & 4123)
In considering you for employment and, if you are employed, in considering you for subsequent promotion, assignment, reassignment, retention, or discipline, Wilmot Union High School District may request and rely upon one or more consumer reports or investigative consumer reports about you that we obtain from a consumer reporting agency, such as IntelliCorp Records, Inc.
Background Check - Acknowledgement and Authorization
Background Check - Disclosure